Month: November 2020

Alcohol is popular during lockdown

It seems that when there is a lockdown, there is also a jump in Alcohol sales. South Australia is now entering a 6 day lock down and despite the relatively short lock down period, South Australians have stocked up with Beer, Wine and Spirits with big retailers such as Dan Murphy’s and BWS reporting lines that snake around the block.

What this tells us is that during lock down, the way that many people are getting through is the consumption of alcohol. This is good news for Alcohol retailers however it is bad news for those that are in alcohol abusive relationships or social workings helping those dependent on alcohol.

The question that research has not been able to fully answer with confidence is whether we are drinking more in lock down that we did pre-lock down. Surveys show however, that binge drinking has increased during COVID and those over 50’s are at most risk of binge drinking. In fact, nearly 25% of those surveyed are either dependent on alcohol or at risk of being dependent.

Another concerning figure is that over 50% of those surveyed were found to consume alcohol at levels which were potentially a hazard to their health. The amount that could potentially damage your health is anything over 4 glasses a week.

If you’re looking for your alcohol fix and you’re in lockdown, then visit Beer Cartel. Get a Beer Cartel coupon to save on your order from Beer Cartel.